Table Contents
1.1 Discuss the importance of having a vision for an organization and why a vision is a necessity to engage all employees to achieve the long-term goals of the organization. 2
1.2 Evaluate the effectiveness of paternalistic and transformational leadership styles in motivating employees to achieve a desired common change vision. 3
Strategic leadership has become a vital tool for the overall achievement of organizational success. It ensures all organizational systems are working together towards the achievement of the ultimate strategic intent put in place. “Researchers on quality have long acknowledged the importance of leadership and commitment required for a successful quality programme” (Almaraz, 1994:11). Managers should learn the art of strategic leadership because modern organizations operate in dynamic environments that keep on changing. They are constantly faced with a change of forces both within and around the organization and thus they must respond to these changes to maintain their market positions and continue building competitive advantage (Riwo-Abudho 2012).
1. Introduction
The essential for continuum hierarchical change and advancement in the present dynamic and consistently changing situations are the nearness of natural, key or in an all the more clear sense, transformational pioneers. On account of the expanding thoughtfulness regarding the main factor in making hierarchical advancement on the planet, and thinking about its job in authoritative learning, this exploration endeavors to look at the common connection between transformational administration and authoritative learning through relationship examine technique(Mirkamali, Thani. et al 2019).
1.1 Discuss the importance of having a vision for an organization and why a vision is a necessity to engage all employees to achieve the long-term goals of the organization.
Transformational administration has a significant influence in encouraging and animating authoritative initiative, information creation and learning application in associations. Transformational pioneers have an intelligent perception and give the greatest consideration to successful correspondence and esteem sharing, and empowering a suitable domain for imaginative groups. Pioneers impact the procurement and dissemination of data. Also, they bolster aggregate procedures of authoritative learning, proportional trust between association individuals and pioneers, and great frames of mind toward proactivity, hazard, and creativity(Mirkamali, Thani. et al 2019).
Five qualities of transformational leadership. Idealized (attributed) influence refers to the leader’s socialized charism, whether the leader is perceived as confident and powerful, and whether the leader is perceived as focusing on ideals and ethics of the higher order. Idealized influence (behavior) refers to the leader’s charismatic actions focused on values, beliefs, and values(Dr. Hugo Zagorsek et al 2007).
The above-mentioned qualities and attributes of a transformation leader hence influence the fellow workers to achieved its set goals and aligned with the vision and mission of the organization.
1.2 Evaluate the effectiveness of paternalistic and transformational leadership styles in motivating employees to achieve a desired common change vision.
(PELLEGRINI, E. K., 2007) One early experimental work on paternalism in India. These analysts looked at open and private associations regarding their HR rehearses by examining the impacts of five sociocultural factors, one of which was paternalism. They observed paternalism to be a profoundly notable social measurement, and its criticalness demonstrated no variety among open and private endeavors. Based on this early work by looking at Indian and Canadian business associations on authoritative culture and human asset rehearse. Their outcomes recommended that Indian representatives esteemed paternalistic authority to a more noteworthy degree than Canadians. They additionally discovered solid positive relations among paternalism, control separate, vulnerability evasion, and reliability toward the network are effective leadership style in motivating employees to achieve a desired common change vision.
(Jaskyte, K. 2004). Transformation leaders are forward-looking, open-minded, dynamic, and planning-conscious. By redefining the organizational mission and vision, they renew employee engagement
with the organization. Transformation leaders expect employees to think beyond themselves and become themselves, high performers and leaders.
Therefore, with the charisma and attractiveness of a transformational leader, it motivates the employee to achieve the common goal and vision.
2. Critical analysis.
Criticisms in Change Management
The shortcomings of the change management framework arise mostly from the difference between how managers interpret change management and the real underlying factors in change management. The differences in perceptions of what change management is influence behavior. Managers hold views and visions that often conflict with established mental models and hence they fail to be put into practice. Internal change agents are mostly technical or special skill managers who find themselves as facilitators of the change process. They lack the change management skills and have to balance both their technical expertise with change facilitation. This slows down the implementation process. The problems of change management can simply be attributed to the uncertainty in the change process that change agents seek to disguise. It is to be argued that individuals often perceive perpetual change as a generator of chaos, and anomia, i.e. loss of meaning for the subject who has lived in one organization world and who is asked to adopt the practices, norms, and behavior of others. People, therefore, accept change only due to pressure but still, the culture within them does not change to fit with the new state making them become rigid and only change on the outside temporarily. “This brings the concept of alignment which has been criticized on the grounds that it is difficult to apply in practice” whereby all organization systems are supposed to be consistent. Some view effective management as reacting and responding to the external environment while others view it as being proactive by using the resources and capabilities in the firm to design the environment (Riwo-Abudho et al 2012).
3. Provide a reflection on having a vision and its impact on your learning journey in life.
Without vision, without dream and aspiration is a body without spirit and soul. The impact would be great and empowering when the vision is clear and achievable. It has the kind of propelling force that pushes you forward. Having an attitude of “never give up” and “never say die” tag in every milestone and phases of life long learning or I would say the journey has just begun when you hopped on a new area of studies at any age.
By taking a paternalistic approach to managing an organization under you is equality adventurers and challenging as compared to being a transformational leader. As the culture, beliefs and other factors that could take shape in crafting a leader and to influence the leadership, I would suggest a Balance-leadership approach would be more suitable and change with time.
Drastic changes or too many changes by a new leader who has come aboard would be that everyone would have to adapt to the change or be indifference until and in hope of the next CEO or just quit the present job.
In conclusion, the visual impact of a leader of the organization has a great influence on the learning journey in my life.
4. References
Dr. Asha Nagendra professor, Symbiosis International University Pune Volume N0.7 (2016), Issue No.04(April)
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