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Examine The Influence of Transformational leadership

作家相片: Wong StephenWong Stephen


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Organizational learning remains a very popular concept in the modern managerial literature and has been defined in many ways. Early authors understood it simply as a process of detecting and correcting errors. It is perceived as a process of improving actions through better knowledge and understanding. It is defined organizational learning as the processing of information with the aim to store knowledge in the organizational memory.

1.    Introduction

Leaders serve as information centers of their units or teams. They therefore have a strong influence over the way information is acquired and distributed in the unit. Laissez-faire leaders, for example, will inhibit the flow of information due to their inactivity. The processes of acquiring and distributing information will therefore operate below optimum. The communication between unit members will be restrained and slowed down. New knowledge will be difficult to obtain, while information from different sources will not be widely shared (Dr. Hugo Zagorsek et al 2007).

1.1         Examine the need for leaders to create a learning organization in a highly competitive globalized business environment.

Like organizational learning, leadership is a complex phenomenon that has been understood and defined in many ways.

Intellectual stimulation occurs when the leader stimulates new perspectives and ways of doing things, questions old assumptions and beliefs while encouraging the expression of ideas and reasons. Individualized consideration refers to leader behavior that contributes to the satisfaction of followers by treating others as individuals, considering their individual needs, abilities and aspirations and thus allowing them to develop and self-actualize (Antonakis, Avolio et al. 2003).

Blanchard and Hersey said that the leadership style must correspond to the development level of the follower – it is the leader who should adapt.

The following 4 points are highlighted:

  1. Enthusiastic beginner, low on competence and high on commitment;

  2. Disillusioned learner with increasing competence and low commitment;

  3. Capable but cautious contributor, with moderate to high competence and variable commitment;

  4. Self-reliant achiever who is high on both competence and commitment

In organization leaning it is best to deploy the concept of situational leadership as the people, environment and the business climate will change from time to time.

Therefore, the Model as shown in Figure 2 explains:

The Theory explains that at certain time, leader should adopt the; 1) Telling, guiding and directing when a new follower first came aboard- S1. 2) Selling and explaining to followers when he or she has a closes relationship and showing high task behavior – S2. 3) Encouraging and participating and problem solving for those in the S3 quadrant and finally, 4) Delegate, observing and monitor them in the S4 quadrant.

1.2         Evaluate the ability of a transformational leader to inspire trust, loyalty and administration in followers who then subordinate their individual interests to the interests of the group.

To inspire trust and confident to the follows under the leadership, it is crucial to understand thy self and others. The strength and weaknesses and to complement each other’s to form an inclusion organization as a result to build trust and loyalty. Be it to benefit to individual or conceded effort as an organization.

In Figure 2 Using Johari Model to achieve the result.

Using ‘Johari Window’ to develop self-insight in order to: – Reduce the ‘Hidden’ area through self-disclosure – Reduce the ‘Blind’ area through feedback from others (Mullins 2016).

2.    Critical analysis.


Transformational leadership positively influences the:

Information acquisition – H1a

Information distribution – H1b

Information interpretation – H1c

Cognitive and behavioral changes (H1d) dimensions of organizational learning.

Therefore, as the model in Figure 3 shows that the influence of a transformation leader has a great impact on the organization learning and cognitive change in their followers.

Figure 3 Source: Antonakis, J., B. J. Avolio, et al. (2003): Context and leadership: an examination of the nine-factor full-range leadership theory using the Multifactor Leadership Hypothesized impacts of laissez-faire, transactional and transformational leadership on organizational learning.

3. Provide a reflection on learning organization and how it can change an individual’s mindset.

The following points that I have summarized that leads me to reflect on how learning organization can change an individual mindset:

  1. Change yourself: To learn is to change oneself, to change one’s mind, to re-create ourselves.

The most important aspect of adapting the leadership change in the organization is to willingness to change your own attitude to gear towards situational changes to keep abreast and keep your job in this changing globalized world.

  1. Acquire new skills: Through learning we should become able to do something we not able to do before.

Lifelong learning such as the Skill-Future by Singapore Government initiative has brought a considerable knowledge upgrading for me. I took up courses such as SQI (Singapore Quality Institute) and Advance Excel Course from Tertiary Institution to upgrade myself to remain relevant in the work force.

  1. Seeing different: Through learning we perceive the world differently.

I strongly agree and there is no argument that learning a new discipline in Business, Engineering, Social Sciences or IT will broaden our perspective of how our 21st century global world operates. Hence you see the world in different perspective.

  1. Become more creative: And most importantly, through learning we extend our capacity to create.

Creativity and innovation come handy when one assumes a great leading role such as a General Manager or and CEO CFO so on. It will inspire the followers to have trust and confident on you and you serve as a role model to all.

As a transformation leader of the 21st century must have a clear vision and mission to propel all your followers in the direction to achieve a profitable business and a cohesive and inclusion organization and Leading the Change in Management.

Quote: “This, then, is the basic meaning of a learning organization an organization that is continually expanding its capacity to create its future.” — (Peter Senge 1990)

4. References

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