As we live in a globalized world where we frequently interact with people from different cultural backgrounds. Hence, international communication is inevitable. Communicating with people from the different cultural background is necessary for business, in the classroom and the community. Globalization has made the world to become smaller, as people from all corners of the world come together due to some common interest. Intercultural communication is important in every career that is why the art of communicating with people from different cultures is one of the most important skills in life.
My essay will be based on true experiences and the write up will be presented in a modular form for ease of reading.
Intercultural communication situation experiences first hand (Background)
Landing a new Job after 3 months of “work-break” is a totally new and challenging experience for me (let you know the reason for a second).
And now, being in the IT industry for last 25 years, it is rather difficult for me to decide on a career switched which I fearlessly decided to go into Aviation Industrial for my next 10 years.
Started as a Fresh Polytechnic graduate from Singapore Polytechnic back in 1988, my first job is with ST Engineering as an IT System Administrator (which has nothing to do with Aircraft like the A380 and Rolls Royce Engine Model Trent 900 for example).
I join SAESL (Singapore Aero Engineering Services Limited, a joint venture with SIA Singapore and Rolls Royce) which does MRO (Maintenances, Repair and Overhaul of Engines) for airlines such as SIA, ANA and Air New Zealand, which quite an exciting journey for me so far.
Myself with nine others new Engine Service Engineers are now on an intensive in-house training program for 1-month to equip ourselves with the awareness of Company Policy, Safety and HSE (Health Safety and Environment), HF&SMS (Human Factors and Safety Management System) and Engine Repair (e.g. Documentation – Engine Manuals)
My Colleagues are from diverse Culture like from West Malaysia, East Malaysia and the Philippines and our very own countrymen too.
State the problem in intercultural communication:
From the above brief background, the problem I am challenging now is an intercultural Communication issue and how to overcome with the present “Effective Communication Skills I have acquired.
The problem statement would be;
[How can I bring across my thoughts and ideas to a group of people with diverse belief (Catholic, Christian, Muslim), Races (Chinese, Malays, Philippines (Influenced by Spanish and the USA and their own native tradition), more so is the different ascent of Spoken English that they use to make a conversation.] It is because I need to engage them in conversation and collaboration for Engine build-up which my department alone cannot possibly achieve it.
This is the Challenge!
Analysis of the causes for the underlying behaviour (Verbal and non-verbal). Analyse the causes and applying what you have learnt:
After spending 2 weeks with my colleagues at work, I realise that with observation and analytic skills, it is possible to break the intercultural communication barrier with some conceded efforts and perseverance.
Firstly, I have Identify types of Communication, namely persuasive, interactive and organizational. I use persuasive to strike a conversation with Singaporeans which found more effective than interactive or organizational. We use ‘Singlish’ which is in our blood and culture that we are brought up with. And here are some Singlish lingo to share (Kiashu – cant afford to lose to other people, never say die – means never give up, persevere – want to learn ‘Singlish’, please go to this link:
When I communicate with Malaysian, as they are more approachable and friendly,
They are more interactive and vocal, but sometimes non- verbal. Non-verbal often is a more accurate and reliable indication of meaning than words. And some forms of non-verbal communication are body gestures/kinesics, body appearance, facial movement, eye, touch and paralogue and silence. But what I learnt is, there are many functions of Silence.
It can be time to think, to hurt, to prevent communication or just nothing to say.
But be aware that cultural difference and silence may be viewed positively or negatively.
The Philippines’ people, yes, our good friends from Main Land Manila and Cebu island can be quite different in their culture. However, a common trait they have can be seen. Some reserved but others outgoing. Some are submissive but others dominant. Some are Group dependent but others self-sufficient.
But what I realized about them are attentive listener which I must learn from them.
They exhibit the following Listening skills:
Avoid bias critical and judgmental
Listening to the underlying meaning
Avoid interruption and distraction
Ask question and paraphrase.
Discussion of how the theories to help me in the future to be more aware and thus adjust your own communication (Lesson learnt),
Many valuable lessons I learnt in how to communicate with fellow friends that come from far and wide with different cultural background, race and religion.
The take away for me would be the benefit of effective listening which I felt is the most important for me. It gives me the ability to help others, social acceptance and popularity and have a good knowledge of other and could lead to my power and influence to the community at large.
Communication Skills used and list down what are those to help achieve better understanding in the future (Improvement)
I would like to improve on my personality, listening skills and to reduce the barrier to Listening.
To Quote a simple example of Miss-Communication via SMS (small message Service).
The SMS is as such, I quote “Hi, I see you again Tom”. What do you think is the problem?
The sender has an unintentional error in his message.
I have perceived that he calls my name Tom instead of Stephen who he already knew my name.
And My reply to him is “I am not Tom, you change my name!” …
His reply “The SMS acronym for Tom is Tomorrow” … Oh, then I realised is my mistake.
So, the lesson learnt is, Effective Communication skill is an essential Life skill for everyone ever seen we are now globally connected.
My Journey working with other people from different culture and background has just begun…